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A few words in English about the Sociology & Anthropology Department at the University of Paris at Saint-Denis (Paris VIII) :

The Département de sociologie was created in 1969 by the founding group of Vincennes University. And for the past 40 years, the Département contributed richly to French sociology. The Département numbers Nicos Poulantzas, Jean-Claude Passeron, Robert Castel, Raymonde Moulin or Jean-Michel Chapoulie… among its former faculty. Today around 40 university researchers are teaching at the Département de sociologie (7 professors, 20 assistant or associate professors).

Ethnography, social anthropology and qualitative fieldwork are at the center of our identity. And we combine intellectual diversity with a real interest in the « real world » (see below a few examples of recent books by our faculty).

A few recent highlights of Paris 8 sociology faculty

Cardi Coline and Pruvost Geneviève (dir.). 2012. Penser la violence des femmes, Paris, La Découverte.

Duvoux, Nicolas. 2015. Les oubliés du rêve américain. Philanthropie, Etat et pauvreté urbaine, Paris, PUF, “Le Lien social”, 2015.

Jounin, Nicolas. 2008. Chantier interdit au public. Enquête parmi les travailleurs du bâtiment, Paris, Éditions La Découverte, collection “Textes à l’appui / enquête de terrain ?

Laé, Jean-François. Les nuits de la main courante. Écritures au travail., Paris, Stock, 2008

Laé, Jean-François. L’Asile aux fous (avec Ph. Artières), Presses universitaires de Vincennes, 2009

Peugny, Camille. 2009, Le Déclassement. Paris, Grasset

Truong, Fabien. 2015. Jeunesses françaises. Bac +5 made in banlieues, Paris, La Découverte, 2015