Charles Soulié, maître de conférences au département de sociologie, était invitée de l’émission Du Grain à Moudre sur France Culture, dans le cadre des journées consacrées aux quarante ans de Paris 8.
site de l’émission
Archive for 2009
Social Housing in Europe (II)
Edited by K. Scanlon and C. Whitehead, LSE ed. With two articles by Claire Levy-Vroelant and Christoph Reinprecht, December 2008
Social Housing in Europe (II) A review of policies and outcomes
This is the second book to be produced by a multidisciplinary group of housing experts that was set up as a result of an initiative by French academics based at different Paris universities. The group was organised through the GIS Réseau Socio-Economie de I’Habitat network (supported by PUCA, French Ministery for Equipment and Housing) and thanks to the European Network of Housing Research (ENHR). It has received also consistent support from CDC. (Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations) and CNRS through Centre de Recherche sur l’Habitat CRH of UMR LOUEST. Since the publication of the first book, Social Housing in Europe I (2007), the group has met several times. In November 2007 a major international conference was organised in Paris, (supported among others by Paris 8 University, CDC and Fondation Abbé Pierre). The papers presented there, together with a great deal of further input by authors, form the basis for this text. Since then the group has met in Vienna and in Dublin, and recently (December. 2008) in London, to discuss a range of issues linked to the continued development/mutation of social housing, and will work further on issues of both principles and policy over the next year. The group is extremely grateful for all those who have supported these meetings and for their interest in ensuring the work can continue.
Scanlon, K.; Whitehead, C. (Eds.) (2008): Social Housing in Europe II. A review of policies and outcomes. London, London School of Economics and Political Science. ISBN: 978-0-85328-313-3.
Cours de Roser Cusso
Roser Cusso est malade. Les cours « Sociologie de l’éducation » et « Organisations internationales » sont annulés pour ce mercredi 7 janvier.
Le partiel de « Sociologie de l’éducation » aura lieu la semaine prochaine comme convenu. De même pour le dernier cours du cours de Master.
Flavia Carraro : Cours du mardi 6 Janvier 2009
« Diffusionnisme, diffusion et mondialisation »
Confirmation : Le 6 Janvier, Mathieu Fribault nous présentera son travail de terrain sur l’emprunt et la diffusion d’une technique de pêche entre les populations Baga et Susu de Guinée Maritime. A partir de cet exemple concret nous mettrons en perspective les différents aspects théoriques et méthodologiques de la question de la diffusion tels que nous avons pu les illustrer dans les cours précédents.